I encourage every athlete to think strategically when scheduling their Sports Massage session to maximize its effectiveness. For Maintenance sessions. schedule your appointment on the same day as your hardest training day, or as close to it as your schedule allows. This will help to speed up your muscle recovery process after intense training. For injury recovery, barring any medical considerations, schedule as soon as possible to begin the process of working with you to identify your problem and planning a strategy to get you back to training and racing. To aid in avoiding injuries every athlete must incorporate many modalities as part of your regular training regimen; stretching, icing, foam rolling, Yoga, and rest.


IMPROVES CIRCULATION which aids blood in supplying essential oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, assists in lymph circulation, and enhances the elimination of accumulated toxins and waste by-products like lactic acid.

INCREASED FLEXIBILITY by releasing hypersensitive trigger points, breaking up muscular adhesions, releasing bundles muscle fibers, and realigning injured muscle fibers to form healthy scar tissue. Optimum flexibility means improved range of motion allowing you to use your muscles to their full potential.

DECREASES RECOVERY TIME allowing you to maintain training intensity from day-to-day, and to recover faster post-event so you can resume your training.

AIDS IN INJURY PREVENTION- allowing you to keep training and to compete uninterrupted. Releasing chronically tight and contracted muscles can help to prevent muscle strains, pulls, and tears.

IMPROVES PERFORMANCE! Improved circulation, Increased flexibility, decreased recovery time, and injury prevention add up to enhancing your ability to successfully achieve your athletic goals!


Clients who know the value of Sports Massage.